Canada Dedicated Servers Dedicated Server in Canada are hosted in N+1 Data center in 151 Front Street, Toronto. Network is powered by Juniper Networks and premium Tier1 carriers.

Dedicated Servers Canada in Highly Resilient Infrastructure Easy server customization · DDoS Protection · Innovative solutions S eiMaxim, an experienced datacenter operator, gives you single-tenant, physical, dedicated servers which are extremely powerful, and ready to serve your website to millions of visitors or crunch your numerical Dedicated servers, dedicated cloud solutions, data-focused services and Big Data are supported by the infrastructures of OVH, the number 3 hosting provider in the world. OVH has its own complementary services, including support, teams of specialist, and a user-friendly customer interface. With Dedicated Server Canada you will get Intel Xeon E3-1245v5 – 4c/8t/3.5GHz, 16GB RAM, 2TB HDD, up to 16 IP address, DDoS protection at just $99/per month. If you have a feature-rich website that requires more bandwidth than usual, you need to opt for a cheap Dedicated Server Canada. Sep 14, 2019 · Our servers are one of the best dedicated server hosting options in Canada, we are committed to delivering an outstanding server hosting experience by offering the following unique features: – 100% uptime and 24/7 online customer support: You will never get stranded with our dedicated 24/7 customer service options which assists you at any Dedicated Server Hosting in Canada. HostUpon servers include cPanel and WHM with data centers in Toronto, Canada. Trusted by over 30,000 Canadian website owners.

Choose Dedicated Server Hosting in Montreal. Starting at $80 per month, servers in Montreal, Quebec are an affordable alternative for Toronto servers. Located just 500 Km from Toronto, ServerMania’s Montreal data center provides great connectivity to Toronto, North America, and beyond.

Dedicated Servers: 2–100TB - starting at $50 | Toronto Our dedicated servers are hosted in our two owned and operated data centres in Toronto’s downtown core: 151 Front Street West (Canada’s premier carrier hotel) and 1 Yonge Street (the world’s longest street!). You can choose to have your servers at 151 Front … Dedicated Servers in over 140 locations | OneProvider Dedicated Servers OneProvider A dedicated hosting service, dedicated server, or unmanaged hosting service is a type of Internet hosting in which you lease an entire server not shared with anyone.

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Dedicated Server Hosting in Montreal, Canada - iWeb Browse dedicated servers in Montreal, Canada. Buy dedicated server hosting in our green Montreal data center, 98% powered by hydroelectricity. Dedicated Servers Canada | Quality Linux Windows Dedicated Dedicated Servers Canada, offering reliable and affordable Linux and Windows dedicated server hosting in Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada. Offering the most resources in Canada. Amanah - Dedicated Servers & Colocation in Toronto, Canada Amanah owns two state-of-the-art data centers: one inside Canada’s leading carrier hotel, 151 Front Street West, and the second at the start of the world’s longest street, 1 Yonge Street. We provide colocation, unmetered dedicated servers, IP services, and cloud connectivity. Dedicated Server rental - Reliable low-cost servers