The primary DNS server server resolves the query by returning the IP address for the requested hostname. However, if the primary server is slow to respond, or is unavailable, the device is referred to one or more secondary DNS servers. What is Secondary DNS (Slave DNS)? Changes to DNS records—for example, changing the IP for a domain name

Primary DNS: STILL WORKING AS OF MAY 31! DNS settings page on PS3 has 5 categories: 1)IP Address 2)Subnet Mask 3)Router 4)DNS 1 5)DNS 2. Nov 29, 2011 · ps3 primary and secondary dns? Im trying to connect to the internet with my ps3 in my dorm using the connection they give us in the rooms. I've configured the IP address settings, and the system recognizes the IP fine but I keep getting DNS errors. When I run the command prompt to check everything it gives me 4 DNS Apr 17, 2019 · Smart DNS Proxy DNS – and; Change DNS on PS4. To update the DNS values on your PS4, power on your console and log in to your account. Use your controller to navigate through the Home page to the Settings icon and open it. Once you’re on the Settings page, you’ll find the Network Settings option. Press X on the Jun 14, 2019 · Note: Alternate primary and secondary DNS addresses may as well work with: Primary DNS: Secondary DNS: Solution 3: Restore Default Settings on Your PlayStation 3. Restoring default settings is a recommended operation when something goes wrong with your PS3 and it basically simply resets the following settings:

Set the PS3’s PRIMARY and SECONDARY DNS server to your PC’s IP address (To be done on the PS3 Console) Firstly, you will need to assign your PS3 a static internal Ip address. This means that everytime your PS3 connects or "talks" to your router, the router will assign it a different internal IP address.

Dec 14, 2009 · Resources: Demon's Souls Discord Server. Also found on the big image sidebar or in the discord wiki page for r/darksouls, r/darksouls2 and r/darksouls3.This discord is where Yuvi will communicate with the community and possibly the most realistic way of being able to organize multiplayer sessions with the DeS community. Demon's Souls should probably have an asterisk next to it, as an unofficial server that can be accessed with no modding. (you just have to set your PS3's primary DNS to to get onto it) Oh wow, I wouldn't have expected that. Great news. I hope the unofficial server software is made open source / already is.

Select [Secondary DNS]-> These settings are for blocking the North American Nintendo servers, users in Europe and the rest of the world should set their Primary DNS to and Secondary DNS to

Set the PS3’s PRIMARY and SECONDARY DNS server to your PC’s IP address (To be done on the PS3 Console) Firstly, you will need to assign your PS3 a static internal Ip address. This means that everytime your PS3 connects or "talks" to your router, the router will assign it a different internal IP address.