The Firefox privacy policy specifies what kind of data can be collected, and what the data is used for, while on the other hand Google is basically a data collection company. So, if you are concerned about Google knowing every aspect of your browsing habits, then Firefox may be a better option.

Better Privacy Rids Firefox of Flash Cookies | Network World 14 technology winners and losers, post-COVID-19; COVID-19 crisis accelerates rise of virtual call centers; Q&A: Box CEO Aaron Levie looks at the future of remote work autoproxy火狐版xpi插 … 2014-10-22 · Firefox的autoproxy直装插件,可以直接拖到浏览器中直接安装的,因为现在Firefox的插件中心已经没得下载了 Firefox下 AutoProxy 未被验证的解决办法 4908 2016-08-04 由于 AutoProxy 作者早已不再继续更新这款 插件 ,导致它在后续新 版 本的Firefox中无法继续使用,这困扰了不少和我一样使用ss的 … Better Privacy • mozillaZine Forums

Firefox add-on Better Privacy (free) can get rid of privacy-busting Flash cookies, also known as local shared objects or LSOs, which are used by many sites to

2011-5-16 · 当前的人们比以往更关注隐私和安全。火狐提供了很多的插件,本文推荐3款最好的火狐隐私保护插件,帮你保护并管理web上你的隐私。 NoScript 很多恶意程序都是通过web网站的脚本的方式来进入你的计算机。火狐的NoS Firefox privacy, by the product - Mozilla Firefox protects your privacy in every product. Firefox Browser 2,000+ trackers blocked — automatically Tracking has become an epidemic online: companies follow every move, click and purchase, collecting data to predict and influence what you’ll do next.

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Firefox插件 - 绿色软件联盟 2017-8-30 · Firebug是Firefox下的一款开发类插件,现属于Firefox的 五星级强力推荐插件firebug.xpi之一。 Firebug 为你的 Firefox 集成了浏览网页的同时随手可得的丰富开 更新时间: 2015-12-06 软件尺 … 10个能够实现更安全浏览体验的Firefox插件 - … Firefox浏览器插件Ghostery可以帮助你跟踪115种网络爬虫、广告网站和追踪器。 想知道谁在网上跟踪你吗? 试试火狐插件Ghostery吧,它会在浏览器状态栏里添加一个“吃豆人”图标,通 知你在网站里发现的所有网络爬虫(Web Bugs),然后提供一个爬虫清单。 BetterPrivacy is a Firefox add-on able to protect your sensitive data from unauthorized viewing by removing the cookies stored by web browsers. Compared to other similar applications that aim to